Innovative Insulation Building Solutions

Innovative Insulation Building Solutions

Innovative Insulation Building Solutions for a Sustainable & Comfortable Lifestyle

It is of the utmost importance to constantly find innovative ways to improve the quality and efficiency of homes and buildings. A building is no longer just a combination of forms, blocks and boards – it represents the efforts to reduce our carbon footprint and to build responsibly and sustainably. That means providing homeowners, architects, builders and contractors with the right building solutions to ensure green and energy efficient construction.

Amvic provides premium-quality materials for environmentally friendly and long-lasting buildings. From foundation wall systems to exterior wall insulation and radon gas mitigation systems, Amvic can help you build energy efficient homes that reduce operation and maintenance costs.

Amrad Insulated Radon Gas Panel

Amvic’s new EPS (expanded polystyrene) product, Amrad, is an insulated under-slab depressurization panel. These panels are key components in a radon gas mitigation system. The space created by the integrated channels serves as an air gap for soil gas collection, venting the radon gas out towards the exterior using a connected PVC piping system and exhaust fan. This panelized solution offers a unique channel design, void percentage, film and foam density. As a strong and durable panel, contractors are given the ability to build an insulated concrete slab while meeting radon building code requirements and improving the indoor air quality for occupants.

Why use Amrad?

  • Amrad uses smaller, durable, lightweight, flexible panels and film lamination, which can be more easily cut, help decrease damage during construction and can help to save installation time.
  • When the joints are taped and sealed it functions as both an air and vapour barrier.
  • Provides Long-Term R-Value Retention (LTTR), as well as an increased thermal resistance in lower temperatures. Acts as continuous insulation in the building envelope, reducing thermal bridging and energy consumption while improving comfort.
  • Allows contractors to focus on innovative forms that can combine cutting-edge design and certification for radon gas mitigation systems, while also having high-performance and energy efficiency for the construction of sustainable green buildings.
  • Amrad does not contain CFCs or HCFCs, off-gas or promote the growth of mould and mildew. EPS foam can be recycled and uses steam and water during manufacturing.
  • Homeowners receive a durable, high-performance system that offers thermal comfort, a healthy indoor environment and peace of mind.

SilveRboard Graphite for Exterior Wall Insulation

SilveRboard Graphite XS is a cost-effective and high performing Rigid Board Insulation (RDI), ideal for exterior wall assemblies. It uses EPS as the base material that embeds carbon graphite particles to increase the thermal performance of the EPS insulation.

The graphite EPS beads reflect radiant heat energy like that of a mirror and increase the material's ability to resist the flow of heat, thereby providing exceptional long-term R-value retention and performance. The SilveRboard Graphite XS is available in many sizes and R-values, including the common R5 giving you the most efficient R-value per dollar.

Why use SilveRboard?

  • The proprietary lightweight, high strength, reflective metalized film layer on both faces dramatically improve overall board strength and flexibility. Provides a level rigid surface for exterior finish materials and is highly flexible for radius walls.
  • Together with the patented micro-perforated film, when correctly taped and flashed, it provides the necessary second plan of protection. Tape will adhere quickly and permanently to the SilveRboard film.
  • Creates a thermal envelope for maximum heat/cooling efficiency and delivers long-term stable R-value thanks to built-in air and moisture barriers.
  • Adheres to new building code requirements by providing continuous insulation for structures by creating a thermal break against studs.
  • Available in half-inch to six-inch standard thickness and delivers high performance and maximum value to builders during the construction process.
  • Building homes that are durable, resilient, environmentally friendly and resource-efficient begin right at the beginning of a home’s building life cycle, from the planning phase into the construction, operation and maintenance. In today’s day and age, it is important to take proactive measures to ensure sustainable and energy efficient construction to contribute to building safer communities and providing a healthier way of life for years to come.

Amvic continues to provide innovative and high-performance insulation building solutions that help construct energy efficient homes that are disaster resilient and sustainable, ensuring the highest level of quality and comfort.

For more information or to purchase Amrad and SilveRBoard products, please visit the experts at your local Co-op Home Centre.

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