DIY Sandbox

DIY Sandbox

Build your own sandbox with quality materials and expert advice from your local Co-op Home Centre. Follow our comprehensive and easy-to-understand assembly instructions to ensure your project will be a success.

This 8’x8’ sandbox is the perfect solution for any backyard that is in need of some children’s play options. The lid not only provides a cover, it also folds out to create two benches that allow seating close to the action. The entire structure is built from pressure-treated lumber, allowing it to withstand the elements.

With relatively few materials and assembly steps, as well as straightforward cuts, this project can easily be completed in a weekend or two. Just don’t forget to add sand!


Length: 96” Width: 96” Height: 10"

Materials List


  • Pressure Treated 2x8 – 8 ft., 8 boards
  • Pressure Treated 2x6 – 8 ft., 16 boards


  • 21/2-inch ACQ Deck Screws, 112 Screws (1.5 lbs.)
  • 3-inch ACQ Deck Screws, 172 screws (2.5 lbs.)
  • 4-inch Strap Hinges, 12 hinges
  • 51/2-inch Door Pulls, 4 pulls



Recommended Tools

  • Safety glasses
  • Tape measure
  • Pencil
  • Square
  • Miter saw
  • Sanding block
  • Clamps
  • Drill & bits
  • Screwdrivers


Power tools can be substituted with the applicable hand tools. If available, additional power tools, such as a table saw, impact driver or power sander, can be used to improve efficiency. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's operating instructions when using power tools and take all required safety precautions.


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